7-13-2020 4-H memo
- 2020-07-13
- By Lacey Paeglow
- Posted in Uncategorized

Good Morning,
- LEADERS: Before you plan any type of activity for your club please contact me at the Extension Office. If it is an event that cannot in anyway be done virtually then we will need to fill out an exemption form and get approval. Approval is not instant so please give me plenty of notice.
- AT THIS TIME: We are still moving forward and planning for FAIR!!! Please keep preparing for Fair as normal. We will keep everyone updated as time goes on.
- Remember that if you do not complete your Council or Club requirements, you will be unable to participate in Fair.
- Clubs will be doing Pre-Fair record book checks soon. Be on the lookout for more information soon.
- Marketing Materials will be available the first part of August.
- 4-H Council meeting July 21st @ 7:00 pm. This will be a zoom meeting again. I will send out the link to the meeting next Monday. My hope is that our August meeting we can do in person. There are only two council meetings left!!!
- We will be doing Skill-A-Thon the first week of August. More info to come later.
- Scale head is at the Fairgrounds . We need to keep better track of the keys and who is using the scale, so here is how to get keys.
1. We have two lock boxes attached to the milk can by our front office door.
2. One is labeled A the other is B. You will need to text Lacey (970-819-0102) or Aleigh (970-846-3834) to request the code.
3. DO NOT SHARE THE CODE!!! We need to be able to track who has used the scale and when.
4. Once you have weighed your animals, return the key ASAP!!! Other families need to weigh also.
5. If your animals seem sick in ANYWAY, please do not take them to the scales unless Lanny has checked them out. We do not want to spread any illnesses! - I mailed out Council reminders!!! Please check them and make sure you are aware of what you must complete to be able to compete and show at Fair.
- We are selling cookbooks as a fundraiser. I am asking each kid who sells cookbooks to try and sell 5.
- We are also selling truck raffle tickets. I am asking each kid who sells them to try and sell 10.
- 4-H Council Requirements- please get these requirements done ASAP.
* Attend at least 2 council meetings- ONLY 2 left!!
* Participate in a minimum of 1 Council community service
* Participate in a minimum of 1 Council fundraiser
* Complete all requirements for the 4-H clubs you are involved in
* Submit a completed record book in October
* Clean the SCD Basement once a year.
Have a great day. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns