Update from July Council meeting.
- 2020-07-22
- By Lacey Paeglow
- Posted in Uncategorized

Pre-Fair Record Book Checks:
Leaders will be checking record books this year. They can be taken to leaders or dropped off at the Extension Office. August 10th is the due date to turn in your book for a pre-fair check.
The Skill-A-Thon is for Livestock, Horse & Dog kids to test their knowledge on the project animals. The score from the Skill-a-thon test will be used in conjunction with their showmanship and record book score to calculate the All Around Exhibitor award. The study guides are located on our Jackson County Extension website, on our 4-H page. Tests can be taken from Aug 3rd-Aug 6th from 6:00 am-4:00 pm at the Extension Office.
Rabbit & Poultry Id day- August 7th @ 8:00 am
Marketing Materials:
The Extension Office puts together a brochure with info about the Fair sale and BBQ along with a letter from the Sale Committee Chairman and BBQ tickets for all Livestock members to send out to past and potential buyers encouraging them to come to the Junior Livestock Sale and BBQ. These materials will be available by August 1st.
Fair Entries:
Horse entries are due Aug. 6th
Livestock & Dog entries are due Aug. 27th
This year we will be requiring the private treat form to be turned in with your fair entries.
The private treaty form is a form that lists who is purchasing your extra fair animals.
Council requirements:
Remember that you must have these completed to participate at Fair.
I have a list of who needs what, so please check with me ASAP.
August Council meeting:
August 11th @ 7:30 pm at the Grandstands on the Fairgrounds. We are strongly encouraging all members to attend this meeting with one parent as we will be going over Fair plans. There are some changes to Fair this year, and everyone needs to be well informed prior to Fair.
Any questions or concerns please contact the Extension Office at 970-723-4298 or email Lacey at lacey.paeglow@colostate.edu.