1-11-21 4-H Memo
- 2021-01-11
- By Lacey Paeglow
- Posted in Uncategorized

Good Morning!
- LEADERS: Please notify me before any club meeting or event you are planning for your club.
- Please enroll ASAP, this way club leaders know what kids are in their clubs and can plan accordingly. If you have changes once you have submitted your enrollment, please let me know and I will make changes.
- Council meetings will now be held every other month on the 2nd Monday of the month at 6:00 pm. The meeting months will be October, December, February, April, June, and August. Kids will now be required to attend 4 of these meetings. These meetings will be used to conduct Council business and then are also going to be more of an educational format to help improve leadership, team building, Parliamentary Procedure, etc.
- On the off months (Nov, Jan, Mar, May, July) we will hold Council officer team meetings to work on team building, improve knowledge on individual offices, build the agenda, discuss items of business, etc. With these changes my hope is to bring more involvement from the officer team to create an outstanding team, that all kids would like to be a part of.
- Also on the off months we would like to offer some workshops to help introduce kids to the general arts projects side of 4-H. There are so many projects that I feel kids are totally missing out on because they are unaware of them. Some will be done by zoom some will be in person.
- GET ENROLLED. Please go to https://v2.4honline.com/ to enroll. Remember to participate in ANY 4-H activity you must be an “Active” 4-H member. To be considered active you must be enrolled and have paid the $22.00 enrollment fee. Make sure to select all clubs that your members are in.
- If you are planning to be in the Breeding Beef Project, please let me know Tag #, Age and Breed of your breeding project. All Breeding Beef projects must be declared by Feb 7th!
- 4-H Council officer team meeting- January 11th @ 6:00 PM at the Wattenberg center.
- Beef Weigh-in February 7th @ 9:00 am at the Scale House. Must be an “ACTIVE” member to weigh-in your steer.
- 4-H Council meeting- February 8th, 2021 @ 6:00 pm at the Wattenberg Center.
- Members who are re-enrolling: You have until THIS FRIDAY January 15th to enroll at the original $22.00 fee, after January 15th it will increase to $32.00.
Council Requirements:
* Attend 4 council meetings
* Participate in 1 council community service project
* Participate in 1 council fundraiser
* Clean the SCD Basement once per year
* Complete and turn in a Record Book for all projects enrolled in
Have a great day. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.