3-8-21 4-H memo
- 2021-03-08
- By Lacey Paeglow
- Posted in Uncategorized

Good Morning!
- LEADERS: Please notify me before any club meeting or event you are planning for your club.
- Hunters Education class March 26-27. Check out the CPW website to register.
- Martins have NP born & raised pigs, please call Sam for more information 970-420-0870.
- Project Assistance Grants: Please see the attached project assistance grants. They are due to the Extension Office by March 15th. If you have any questions please contact Lacey.
- I am going to create a 4-H News space on our website, so any club updates or pictures you would like to share on our website, please send to me. I will try to update it twice a week. Any articles you put in the paper, also please share them with me to put on our website.
- NWCO Expo:
This year’s Expo will look a little bit different, but we are excited to extend this offering IN PERSON! We would like to invite 4-H members from Moffat, Routt, Jackson, Grand, Eagle, Summit, Clear Creek, Gilpin, Garfield and Rio Blanco Counties to Save the Date for June 7th-9th.
We will offer 1-day clinics covering general animal nutrition, health, grooming/fitting, and showmanship. Clinics will be limited to 25 participants.
Up to two family members are also encouraged to attend. Participants are expected to bring their animals to practice fitting and showmanship; however, we will not offer practice shows this year.
Registration will be $50 and includes a t-shirt and completion award. A course audit option (participation without livestock) will be offered for the reduced rate of $25.00.
Monday, June 7th
Horse & Dog
Tuesday, June 8th
Poultry/Rabbit & Lamb/Goat
Wednesday, June 9th
Beef & Swine
Priority registration will be offered to 1st and 2nd year Junior/Novice 4-H members. Priority Registration will open April 1st – April 15th. After this, all 4-H members, regardless of experience, are invited to register! Members will designate their 1st and 2nd species preference for clinics. All efforts will be made to place participants in their clinic of choice, but this is not guaranteed. Members may be able to participate in more than 1 clinic, as space allows.
COVID social distancing will be implemented, and all participants and family members will be required to wear masks in accordance with state requirements. Lodging and overnight livestock boarding will not be provided; participants are expected to commute daily or secure their own over-night arrangements.
- GET ENROLLED. Please go to https://v2.4honline.com/ to enroll. Remember to participate in ANY 4-H activity you must be an “Active” 4-H member. To be considered active you must be enrolled and have paid the $32.00 enrollment fee. Make sure to select all clubs that your members are in.
- Project drop deadline- June 1st. If you sign up for a project and then do not plan to complete the project, you will need to drop the project by June 1st.
- Our new 4-H Cooking leader is ready to go. If you would be interested in attending an introductory workshop please let Lacey know by March 11th.
- 4-H Council officers meeting- March 8th, 2021 @ 6:00 pm at the Wattenberg Center.
- Project Deadlines: One month left to select any projects you might be interested in participating in.
– Shooting Sports-April 1st
– Dog – April 1st
– Horse- April 1st
– Swine, lamb, goat- April 1st
– Rabbit & Poultry- April 1st
– General arts- April 1st - Project drop deadline June 1st. . If you sign up for a project and then do not plan to complete the project, you will need to drop the project by June 1st otherwise you will need to complete a record book.
- NWCO Expo June 7th, 8th, 9th in Craig, CO
- Dog Practice- Second Sunday of the month @ 9:30 am
Council Requirements:
* Attend 4 council meetings. Meetings will be in April, June and August.
* Participate in 1 council community service project
* Participate in 1 council fundraiser
* Clean the SCD Basement once per year
* Complete and turn in a Record Book for all projects enrolled in
Have a great day. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.