3-14-22 4-H memo
- 2022-03-14
- By Lacey Paeglow
- Posted in Uncategorized

Good Morning Everyone,
- If you lose any animals after they have been tagged and Id’ed at weigh-in, please contact me with the tag number, so I can mark them off our weigh-in sheet.
- If your kid(s) plan to be in 4-H this year and have not enrolled yet, you must enroll by March 15th to participate in the 2021-2022 year. Returning members enrollment fee has increased to $32.00.
- Fair Paper is HERE!! Please stop by the Extension Office to pick up some copies.
- 4-H Dog kids: Dog club meetings will be on March 20 and April 10 from 9-10:30 or 11:00 am. If you have any questions please contact Heather Elze.
- Our next council meetings will be: April 11, June 7 (Tuesday due to Shooting sports) and August 8. Please try to attend the majority of these meetings as we do vote on important events and topics.
- 2021-2022 E-records are available, please go to the Jackson County Extension website to download e-records. 4-H E-Records – Jackson County Extension (colostate.edu) PDF versions still have the 2020-2021 year on them, they are working on changing them and I will upload the correct ones as soon as they are done. If you have issues with the record books, please let me know and I can print you a copy if that would be easier.
- Please see the Important Dates section for important deadlines to sign up for projects.
- Enrollment deadline March 15th.
- Project deadlines:
Swine, Lamb, Goat, Dog, Horse, Rabbit and Poultry- April 1st
Shooting Sports- April 1st
Home arts projects- April 1st - Dog & Horse ID’s must be completed in 4-H Online by April 1st
- Save the date- 4-H District Retreat April 1-3, 2022. 4-H members must be 10 4-H age to attend.
- Project Drop deadline: June 1st
- Swine, Lamb & Goat Weigh-in June 4th @ 8:00 am
- North Park Jackpot- June 11th
- Shooting Sports Fair Date August 6th
- North Park Fair Horse Show August 7th
- Attend 4 council meetings- only 3 left, April, June and August
- Participate in a community service project
- Participate in a fundraiser
- Clean at the SCD once per year
- Complete and turn in a record book for each project you are enrolled in
Have a great day. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.