6-3-19 4-H memo
- 2019-06-03
- By Lacey Paeglow
- Posted in Uncategorized

Good Morning Everyone,
Welcome to June!
- 4-H Council meeting will be on WEDNESEDAY June 5th at 6:00 pm at the 4-H camping trip at Michigan Reservoir. All members are encouraged to attend the 4-H Council meeting, even if you are not camping.
- .22 & Muzzleloader practice tonight. Please show up at you scheduled time to shoot.
- 4-H Council requirements:
Must complete these requirements to be able to show or shoot at the North
Park Fair.
* Attend 2 council meetings- ONLY 3 left
* Participate in a minimum of 1 Council Community Service
* Participate in a minimum of 1 Council Fundraiser
* Clean the SCD Basement once per year
* Complete all requirements for the clubs I am in
* Submit a completed record book in October for all my livestock, horse and/or dog projects by the established deadline( if not completed, you will be ineligible to do the project next year) - Shooting Sports members!! If you would like to do the Shooting Sports Record book this year, please let me know ASAP and I will have a copy ready for you to pick up.
- Jackpot- June 16th
Set-up will be on June 14th at 9:00 am. We need lots of help to clean up the Fairgrounds and set-up for the Jackpot show.
Helping the day of the Jackpot will count towards a Fundraiser project. - Community Service
project: Old Timer’s Reunion on June 22nd.
1. Provide treats for the coffee hour. Treats will need to be dropped off on June 18th by 4:30 pm
2. Serve drinks for the lunch from 11:00-1:00 pm
Please contact the Extension Office if you kid would like to participate in one of these community service projects. - Fishing Derby
volunteers!! We need kids & parents to sign up to help man check-in
stations at Lake John on Saturday June 8th & Sunday June
9th at the following time slots: We need 4 kids per time slot!!
9:00-11:00 am-
11:00 am-1:00 pm-
1:00-3:00 pm-
3:00-5:00 pm-
5:00-7:00 pm-
Sunday June 9th
7:00-9:00 am-
9:00-11:00 am-
11:00 am-1:00 pm-
1:00-3:00 pm-
Remember this counts as one of our Fundraisers and we can’t not do these projects without help!!!! - 4-H Truck Raffle Fundraiser: We are asking all 4-H members to please sell at least 10 tickets. We have packets put together for all 4-H members. If you have not yet received your packet, please come by the Extension Office to pick it up. IF you have sold tickets, please bring the ticket stubs and money to the Extension Office ASAP. We need to send in the money every two weeks! IF you need more tickets, please stop by the Extension Office to pick more up.
- 4-H E-records are available. Please go to http://jackson.extension.colostate.edu/ to access the e-records. We can also print off a hard copy for you at the Extension office.
If you have any questions please contact the Extension Office.
Have a great day.