8-19-19 4-H memo
- 2019-08-19
- By Lacey Paeglow
- Posted in Uncategorized

Good Morning Everyone,
- The Extension Office will be closed tomorrow, August 20th. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
- Shooting Sports and Horse Show photos can be previewed and purchased at www.shutterfly.com- Sign in- jc4hphoto@hotmail.com, Password- Fair2019. Huge Thank you to Jeannie Jenkins for taking some awesome photos. Photographers Statement: I am not a professional, so please do not critique my photos. I also did my best to get some of each and every kid who was participating.
- Scales are located at the Fairgrounds and will be there through Fair. Keys are in the old milk can outside the office. Please be respectful of other members wishing to weigh animals and return the keys ASAP.
- Truck Raffle- If you have money and stubs from the truck raffle, please turn in to the Extension Office ASAP. All remaining tickets and money will need to be turned in by August 26th!!
- Marketing Materials are available at the Extension Office. Please be sure to come by and get marketing materials asap. All kids who will sell animals are expected to send out marketing material.
- Buyer’s Gifts: Please start planning your buyer’s gift for each species you will be selling at Fair. Buyer’s gifts will be due to the Extension Office by August 29th.
- North Park Fair Entries for Livestock and Dog will be due August 29th!
- Set-up for Fair will be Monday, September 2nd at 9:00 am. 4-H and FFA Members, remember this is YOUR FAIR!!! You need to be present at Set-up!
Have a great day!