12-16-19 4-H memo
- 2019-12-16
- By Lacey Paeglow
- Posted in Uncategorized

Good Morning,
- 4-H Bowling Party- Dec 20th from 1:00-4:00 pm. Please bring your certificate from the 10th Frame. Please remember you must be an “Active” 4-H member to participate. Please get enrolled and paid before the 20th. If you have already used your certificate, you will need to pay.
- Next 4-H Council meeting Monday, January 6th @ 6:00 pm.
- The 2019-2020 4-H Year is rolling. 4-H Online enrollment is open. Please visit https://co.4honline.com/ to enroll! You must be an active 4-H member to participate in 4-H events. Please come to the Extension Office to pay the $22 per member enrollment fee to become an active member.
- I still have stuff from Achievement night, if you didn’t make it, please stop by the Extension Office to see if you have anything.
- The new cookbook is here. We are selling them as a fundraiser. If you would like to help sell them, please contact Lacey.
- The Extension Office will be closed from Dec 25th– January 3rd. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Have a great day.