1-6-20 4-H Memo
- 2020-01-06
- By Lacey Paeglow
- Posted in Uncategorized

Good Morning,
- Welcome to 2020!!
- We are pleased to announce that we have hired a new County Director. Ms. Aleigh Aurin has excepted the position and is tentatively scheduled to start the end of January. Ms. Aurin comes to us from Routt County and has completed her schooling from Utah State University.
- Next 4-H Council meeting TONIGHT Monday, January 6th @ 6:00 pm.
- The 2019-2020 4-H Year is rolling. 4-H Online enrollment is open. Please visit https://co.4honline.com/ to enroll! You must be an active 4-H member to participate in 4-H events. Please come to the Extension Office to pay the $22 per member enrollment fee to become an active member.
- I still have stuff from Achievement night, if you didn’t make it, please stop by the Extension Office to see if you have anything.
- The new cookbook is here. We are selling them as a fundraiser. If you would like to help sell them, please contact Lacey.
- 4-H Council Requirements- please get these
requirements done ASAP.
* Attend at least 2 council meetings
* Participate in a minimum of 1 Council community service
* Participate in a minimum of 1 Council fundraiser
* Complete all requirements for the 4-H clubs you are involved in
* Submit a completed record book in October
* Clan the SCD Basement once a year. - Beef weigh-in- February 2nd, 2020 from 9-11:00 am. Remember you must be an “Active” 4-H member to weigh-in your steers. Also if you plan to do a breeding beef project this is the date of deceleration. You do not need to bring your heifers to weigh-in but we must know tag number and breed. If you are not on the beef weigh-in list you project will be shown in the open show.
- Save the Date: District Retreat- March 6th-8th. You must be 10 by December 31st to attend. Registration packets will be coming out soon.
Have a great day.