5/11/2020 4-H memo
- 2020-05-11
- By Lacey Paeglow
- Posted in Uncategorized

Good Morning,
IMPORTANT UPDATE REGARDING COVID-19: We are in constant communication with CSU Extension regarding this pandemic and are being advised on how to proceed during this time. Current directive:
- Our office is now open again to the public. We will still continue to maintain safety measures at the office.
- Face-to-face suspension of ALL 4-H events and activities goes to May 15th. We will get more information this week as to how we are to proceed after May 15th.
- LEADERS: If you have any questions regarding meetings or events please contact me at the Extension Office.
- AT THIS TIME: We are still moving forward and planning for FAIR!!!
- Kids are able to clean the SCD Basement during this time to get started on their council requirements. Please contact Lacey to set a time and get a key. I am in the office on Monday’s and Thursday’s.
- Virtual 4-H Council meeting May 12th @ 7:00 pm. We will be doing the meeting via ZOOM. Here is the link to download zoom, https://zoom.us/download, you can put it on your computer, phone or iPad. You do not need to set-up an account to attend a meeting. I will send out the meeting invite on TODAY. Please let me know if you have questions. I will send out the meeting invite next Monday.
IMPORTANT DATES: Some of these dates may change due to current suspension directives.
- MORE INFO TO COME: May 30th, Swine, Lamb & Goat Weigh-in @ 9:00 am
- We are selling cookbooks as a fundraiser. If you would like to help sell them, please contact Lacey.
- 4-H Council Requirements- please get these requirements done ASAP.
* Attend at least 2 council meetings- 4 left!!
* Participate in a minimum of 1 Council community service
* Participate in a minimum of 1 Council fundraiser
* Complete all requirements for the 4-H clubs you are involved in
* Submit a completed record book in October
* Clean the SCD Basement once a year.
Have a great day. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.