9/8/2020 4-H memo
- 2020-09-08
- By Lacey Paeglow
- Posted in Uncategorized

Good Morning,
Welcome to Fair Week!
- LEADERS: Before you plan any type of activity for your club please contact me at the Extension Office. If it is an event that cannot in anyway be done virtually then we will need to fill out an exemption form and get approval. Approval is not instant so please give me plenty of notice.
- Pre-Stalling: Dr. Lanny Weddle will be available to do health checks for kids who would like to pre-stall their animals TOMORROW Wednesday, September 9th from 6:00pm-7:00pm. You MUST pre-register to do this. Please call or text Lacey and let her know if you wish to pre-stall by Tuesday, September 8th at 4:30pm. IF you are on the list and then change plans, please let Lacey know.
- We will be pulling the scale Wednesday night at 7:00 pm after we are done pre-stalling. It will not be put back up until time to do Fair Weigh-in, so please plan accordingly.
- Fair Weigh-in Info: Please see the attached sheet regarding the schedule for weigh-in next week at Fair. If you have any questions, please let Lacey know.
- We have North Park Fairbooks at the Extension Office.
- If you did not yet bring your buyer basket to the Extension Office, please do so this week, if it is not at the Extension Office by Wednesday at 4:30, it will be your responsibility to bring it to Fair.
- We will have the Truck Raffle truck at the Fair Thursday thru Sunday. We need help manning a table and selling tickets.
- We will be moving the office to the Fairgrounds Wednesday afternoon.
- Pre-stalling (optional) September 9th from 6:00-7:00 pm. Must be pre-registered to pre-stall.
- Fair weigh-in September 10th. Health checks start at 7:00 am. Will start weighing by species at 8:00am
- Scale head is at the Fairgrounds . We need to keep better track of the keys and who is using the scale, so here is how to get keys.
1. We have two lock boxes attached to the milk can by our front office door.
2. One is labeled A the other is B. You will need to text Lacey (970-819-0102) or Aleigh (970-846-3834) to request the code.
3. DO NOT SHARE THE CODE!!! We need to be able to track who has used the scale and when.
4. Once you have weighed your animals, return the key ASAP!!! Other families need to weigh also.
5. If your animals seem sick in ANYWAY, please do not take them to the scales unless Lanny has checked them out. We do not want to spread any illnesses!
Have a great day. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns