12-11-17 4-H memo
- 2017-12-12
- By Lacey Paeglow
- Posted in Uncategorized
Good Afternoon,
- Please get enrolled for the new 4-H year. Go to www.4honline.com to reenroll or enroll for the 2017-2018 year. . There is a $22.00 enrollment fee that will need to be paid before you will become an active member. Let’s try to get everyone enrolled by January 1st!!!!
- The next Council meeting will be MONDAY JANUARY 8th @ 6:30 pm.
- Attached to your Completion certificate is a Coupon form The 10th frame, we are planning a 4-H bowling party on December 28th at 2:00 pm. Please bring your coupon to use that day. Please RSVP by Dec. 18th if you plan to attend.
- Beef weigh-in will be February 4th at 9:00 am. You must be an ACTIVE 4-H member to weigh-in your animals.
- Office Closures during the Holidays:
Monday, December 25th & Tuesday, December 26th.
Monday, January 1st
- 4-H Leadership Development Conference January 27-29, 2017 and 4-H Day at the State Capitol is January 29 in Denver. Senior 4-H members 14-18 by December 31, 2017 are eligible to attend this great leadership conference. In the past, 4-H Council has covered the cost for members to attend. If you think you would like to be a delegate, please let Deb know as soon as possible because the deadline to register is January 8th!
- 4-H District Retreat will be held on March 9th-11th, 2018. To attend members MUST be 10 by December 31st, 2017. We will notify you all when the registration packets are available.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Extension Office at 723-4298.
Have a great day!