10/13/2020 4-H memo
- 2020-10-13
- By Lacey Paeglow
- Posted in Uncategorized

Good Morning All,
- LEADERS: Before you plan any type of activity for your club please contact me at the Extension Office. If it is an event that cannot in anyway be done virtually then we will need to fill out an exemption form and get approval. Approval is not instant so please give me plenty of notice.
- Please write Thank you notes to your buyers and bring them to the Extension Office so we can check you off the list. You must show us your thank you letters, BEFORE you can pick-up your sale check. WE HAVE CHECKS! You must also pay any outstanding invoices, such as BBQ tickets, before you can pick-up your check as well.
- Please remember to write thank you notes to: Doyle & Sissy Jenkins, PO Box 745, Walden, 80480 & Mike and Lynette Telck, 3605 JCR 26 Coalmont, CO 80480 for sponsoring your fair user fees. Lamb, Goat & Swine Ultrasound was sponsored by Kelli & CJ Pittington- PO Box 616, Walden, CO 80480.
- Special Awards- at our October 4-H Council meeting we will be voting on the Special Awards. Attached is a history sheet of who has received it in the past, lets share the love!! Also is the nomination form, please fill it out and bring it to the Extension office by October 15th.
- Dog members: Please send a Thank you to Ty & Nancy Wattenberg for the donation of the Agility equipment.
- 4-H Council meeting- October 19th @ 6:00 pm at the Wattenberg Center. If you are a council officer, please plan to be at the meeting by 5:30 to pick out some awards.
- ALL 4-H record books (livestock, horse, dog & shooting sports) will be due October 19th. Please bring them to the Extension Office or the 4-H Council meeting.
- New 4-H year starts on October 1st. We will once again be enrolling through 4-H Online, we are upgrading to the 2.0 version, so the system will be down through October. We will start enrolling in November.
- Be finishing up those Record Books!!!!
Have a great day. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns