10/19/2020 4-H memo
- 2020-10-19
- By Lacey Paeglow
- Posted in Uncategorized

Good Morning All,
- LEADERS: Please notify me before any club meeting or event you are planning for your club.
- 4-H Council meeting TONIGHT , October 19th @ 6:00 pm at the Wattenberg Center. We will be voting on special awards and discussing 4-H Achievement night.
- ALL Record books (livestock, horse, dog and shooting sports) are due TODAY. You can drop them by the Extension Office by 4:00 pm today or bring them to the 4-H Council meeting tonight. We will have all leaders sign recordbooks, before they are sent off to be judged. If you do not turn in a record book for your project, you will not be able to participate in that project next year!!!!
- Please remember to write thank you notes to: Doyle & Sissy Jenkins, PO Box 745, Walden, 80480 & Mike and Lynette Telck, 3605 JCR 26 Coalmont, CO 80430 for sponsoring your fair user fees. Lamb, Goat & Swine Ultrasound was sponsored by Kelli & CJ Pittington- PO Box 616, Walden, CO 80480.
- Dog members: Please send a Thank you to Ty & Nancy Wattenberg Po box 797 Walden, CO 8040 for the donation of the Agility equipment.
- 4-H Council meeting- October 19th @ 6:00 pm at the Wattenberg Center. If you are a council officer, please plan to be at the meeting by 5:30 to pick out some awards.
- ALL 4-H record books (livestock, horse, dog & shooting sports) will be due October 19th. Please bring them to the Extension Office or the 4-H Council meeting.
- New 4-H year starts on October 1st. We will once again be enrolling through 4-H Online, we are upgrading to the 2.0 version, so the system will be down through October. We will start enrolling in November.
- Be finishing up those Record Books!!!!
Have a great day. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns