2-8-21 4-H memo
- 2021-02-08
- By Lacey Paeglow
- Posted in Uncategorized

Good Morning!
- LEADERS: Please notify me before any club meeting or event you are planning for your club.
- If you have concerns or questions on the changes to the Council meetings, please contact Lacey at the Extension Office with those questions. This was a decision that was made at a leader meeting with lots of discussion.
- GET ENROLLED. Please go to https://v2.4honline.com/ to enroll. Remember to participate in ANY 4-H activity you must be an “Active” 4-H member. To be considered active you must be enrolled and have paid the $32.00 enrollment fee. Make sure to select all clubs that your members are in.
- North Park Fair book ads are due to Christy Utley- Fairboard Secretary by March 1st. Please get them to her ASAP. This is for livestock members.
- Project Deadlines:
– Beef- Feb 7th
– Shooting Sports-April 1st
– Dog – April 1st
– Horse- April 1st
– Swine, lamb, goat- April 1st
– Rabbit & Poultry- April 1st
– General arts- April 1st - Project drop deadline- June 1st. If you sign up for a project and then do not plan to complete the project, you will need to drop the project by June 1st.
- 4-H District Retreat will NOT happen as normal. We are still trying to figure out a possible one-day in-person retreat. More information will be available at the 4-H council meeting on Feb 8th.
- We will soon have a 4-H Cooking Leader!!! More information will be at the Council meeting.
- 4-H Council meeting- February 8th, 2021 @ 6:00 pm at the Wattenberg Center.
- Members who are re-enrolling: The Enrollment fee will now be $32.00, that is the original fee of $22.00 and then a $10.00 late fee.
- Dog Practice- Second Sunday of the month @ 9:00 am
Council Requirements:
* Attend 4 council meetings. Meetings will be in Feb, April, June and August.
* Participate in 1 council community service project
* Participate in 1 council fundraiser
* Clean the SCD Basement once per year
* Complete and turn in a Record Book for all projects enrolled in
Have a great day. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.