6-21-21 4-H memo
- 2021-06-21
- By Lacey Paeglow
- Posted in Uncategorized

Good Morning!
- Remember if you lose an animal or an ear tag, please call and let me know, so I can make notes of these.
- Check in to see what Council requirements you still need to complete, if you are unsure.
- Community Service opportunity: Sign up to bring treats for Old Timers or to serve coffee at Old Timers. Old Timers will be on Saturday June 26th, I will find out what time we need to be there to serve coffee.
– Anyone providing treats needs to do 2 dozen (cookies, bread, muffins, cinnamon rolls, etc) Please put them on disposable plates or trays. They can be dropped off at the Extension Office Mon June 21st-Thurs June 24th from 6:00 am-4:00 pm.
UPDATE: I need 2 more families to provide treats and 2 or 3 more families to serve coffee. Please let me know ASAP if you can help. - CSU Extension is conducting a community needs assessment to better understand the issues facing Colorado communities. This assessment will help guide Extension’s role as a community educator and partner.
Part of this process is our community survey (available in English and Spanish). We need broad participation in the survey across all sectors of our community. Please take a few moments to complete this survey. Community Survey – Extension (colostate.edu) - Make sure you are working on your record books!! If you need a printed copy, please let me know and I will get one for you. Remember shooting sports kids are required to complete record books also! They can be found at 4-H E-Records – Jackson County Extension (colostate.edu) .
- Pre-Fair record book checks will be done by clubs, except shooting sports, (we don’t do checks on these books)!! More info to come soon.
- Items to be thinking of for Fair: Marketing materials will be available in late July
– Private Treaty Buyers
– Who to invite to the BBQ - I am working on an idea for another Fundraiser to take place throughout the middle to end of July. Look for more information in the upcoming weeks.
- Shooting sports:
Archery & .22 Monday nights
Shotgun & Air Pistol Wednesday nights - County Retreat- July 31st @ 10:00 am
- Fair Shoot- August 14th @ 9:00 am
- Fair Horse Show- August 15th @ 9:00 am
Council Requirements:
* Attend 4 council meetings. Last meeting is August 10th
* Participate in 1 council community service project
* Participate in 1 council fundraiser
* Clean the SCD Basement once per year
* Complete and turn in a Record Book for all projects enrolled in
Have a great day. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.