8-30-21 4-H memo
- 2021-08-30
- By Lacey Paeglow
- Posted in Uncategorized

Good Morning!
How is it the end of August?? Count down to Fair is 11 days until Weigh-in!!!!
- Weighing Animals: If you plan to weigh during the weekend, please contact Lacey or Aleigh prior to loading animals and heading to the Fairgrounds for the code to the lock boxes at the Extension Office (sometimes it might take a little bit before we get back to you). Please remember to return the key as soon as you are done weighing animals, so others can weigh also. Please remember to shut off and unplug the scale from the outlet!!!!!!
- Fair Set-up Sept 6th at 8:00 am. Steer kids can bring in clipping chutes at this time. Pig stalls will be assigned again this year. Lamb, Goat and steers will be selected that day. You may decorate your stall anytime from Monday to Thursday.
- ALL 4-H and FFA members and at least parent please plan to be at Fair Set-up for a discussion on the water issue. Remember kids this is your fair and you need to be present to help set-up.
- Pre-stalling for Fair: We will again be pre-stalling for Fair (if you would like) on Wednesday Sept 8th from 6-7:00 pm. You MUST register to pre-stall by Sept 7th @ 4:00 pm.
- Health Checks on Thursday Sept 9th from7-8:00 am. Weigh-in will start at 8:00 am with pigs, then go to lambs & goats then steers. We will weigh the rabbits and poultry in between species as we have time.
- If you did not bring in your buyer basket yet, please do so ASAP. Remember to label and wrap (if need be) your buyer baskets. You may choose to do a donation to an organization in the name of your buyer as well. If you plan to do a donation, please make sure to have something to put on the table with the baskets to help the ladies who organize that table. It is also nice to have a letter of certificate explaining what you will be doing for your buyer.
- Fair set-up day- Sept 6th at 8:00 am.
- Pre-stalling- Wednesday Sept 8th from 6:00 pm-7:00 pm
- North Park Fair- Sept 9th-12th
- Fair weigh-in Sept 9th from 8-11 am starting with pigs, then lambs & goats, then steers. Rabbits and poultry will be weighed in as we have time.
Council Requirements:
* Clean the SCD Basement once per year
* Complete and turn in a Record Book for all projects enrolled in
Have a great day. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.