6-1-2020 4-H memo
- 2020-06-01
- By Lacey Paeglow
- Posted in Uncategorized

Good Morning,
Welcome to June!!
- We are to still conduct as many programs, meetings, practices virtually as possible. We do have some exemptions we can apply for.
- LEADERS: Before you plan any type of activity for your club please contact me at the Extension Office. If it is an event that cannot in anyway be done virtually then we will need to fill out an exemption form and get approval. Approval is not instant so please give me plenty of notice.
- AT THIS TIME: We are still moving forward and planning for FAIR!!! Please keep preparing for Fair as normal. We will keep everyone updated as time goes on.
- Shooting Sports starts tonight with .22. If your member is signed up for .22, make sure you have filled out the forms and know the time slot for your kid(s) to shoot. Shotgun will start on Wednesday.
- Shooting Sports parents: We must keep the group size to 10 and under so please make sure your kids come only for their scheduled time slot and if you drop them off, please be back in time to pick them up from their designated shooting time.
- I will be working on exemptions for Council community service projects. I am planning to have one in June, July and August.
- We have been approved for Horse and Dog, I am communicating with leaders to see when they want to start practices.
- 4-H Virtual Council meeting June 9th @ 7:00 PM. This will be done on Zoom again. I will send the link to the meeting next Monday.
- Kids are able to clean the SCD Basement during this time to get started on their council requirements. Please contact Lacey to set a time and get a key. I am in the office Mon-Thur. from 6:00 am-4:30 pm.
- We are selling cookbooks as a fundraiser. If you would like to help sell them, please contact Lacey.
- 4-H Council Requirements- please get these requirements done ASAP.
* Attend at least 2 council meetings- 3 left!!
* Participate in a minimum of 1 Council community service
* Participate in a minimum of 1 Council fundraiser
* Complete all requirements for the 4-H clubs you are involved in
* Submit a completed record book in October
* Clean the SCD Basement once a year.
Have a great day. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.